About us

What we are committed to

Since the Institute’s foundation in 1922, we have been working for better health in countries of the South. Sub-Saharan Africa, India and South America are facing many problems. These include a high maternal and child mortality rate and a lack of doctors, nurses, hospitals and health centres. Tropical poverty-related diseases such as Schistosomiasis or Chagas threaten the lives of many people.

The health care systems are poorly positioned, and urgently need our support.

In Germany, the Institute conducts training courses for healthcare professionals for deployments in tropical countries. Our employees are also regularly on-site to train local health personnel. We also render advice to church health services and project partners worldwide and church relief organisations and non-church organisations.

Furthermore, the Institute also receives research contracts from universities in Germany and abroad, e.g. on tropical diseases or HIV/AIDS. We also see political advocacy as our task by advocating for the right to health.

Please support our worldwide health work with your donation.

Liga Bank Würzburg
IBAN DE 58 7509 0300 0003 0065 65

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Articles of Association